IELTS Speaking Part 2-3: Новые темы, вопросы и топики - Январь-Май 2024

IELTS Speaking Part 2-3: Новые темы, вопросы и топики - Январь-Май 2024

IELTS Speaking Part 2-3: Новые темы, вопросы и топики - Январь-Май 2024

В следующий раз темы поменяются 1 мая 2024.

Мы НЕ знаем какие точно будут вопросы в Speaking Part 3. Тут собраны примерные вопросы, которые может задать экзаменатор. Формулировка, тема и сам вопрос может отличаться от вопросов ниже. Только в 3-й части экзаменатор может менять вопросы и задавать вопросы, в зависимости от того, что вы говорите. Поэтому эта часть называется “Discussion”. В 3-й части мы собрали примерные вопросы, чтобы показать вам какие могут быть. 

- Part 2
Describe a time you bought something from a street market.
You should say:
When it was
Where it was
What you bought
And how you felt about it.

- Part 3
What kinds of markets are there in your country?
What are the differences between shopping in street markets and big shopping malls?
What goods are typically sold in street markets?
Do you think small markets will disappear in the future?
Why do some people like to buy luxuries/expensive goods?
Do you think the goods sold at discount stores have poor quality?
Have people’s shopping habits changed in recent years?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping in a big shopping centre?
What makes large shopping centres popular?

- Part 2
Describe a useful object that you own
You should say:
what the object is
what it does
how often you use it
and how you feel it

- Part 3
How have modern gadgets impacted the way families interact with each other at home?
What role do electronic gadgets play in the field of education today?
In what ways have technological advancements in household appliances made life easier for people?
Have gadgets improved the balance between work and personal life?
What concerns are there regarding security and privacy with the increasing use of smart home devices?
How does the use of gadgets differ between older and younger generations?

- Part 2
Describe a place where you can relax.
You should say:
Where it is
What it is like
How often you go there
And explain how you feel about this place.

- Part 3
Do people have enough places to relax in your country?
What do people often do to relax?
Why is relaxation important for people?
Do you think spending too much time on the screen is good for relaxing?
Do people have to spend a lot of money on relaxing?
How can people achieve a balance between work and relaxation?
Has technology affected the way people relax in the modern era?
Should governments play a role in ensuring their citizens have enough time to relax? How?
What do you think will be the future trends in relaxation and leisure activities?

- Part 2
Describe a job you don't want to do in the future.
You should say:
What it is
Where you knew it from
Why you think it is difficult or easy
And explain why you don't want to do it.

- Part 3
How do you think Al will affect people's work?
What would you say are the important factors to be considered when choosing a career?
Technology will make some people unemployed. How can this problem be solved?
Is it common in your country for people to move to other cities because of work?

- Part 2
Describe a journey/travel you were looking forward to but it was delayed.
You should say:
Where you planned to travel to
Why you were looking forward to it
Why it had to be delayed
And explain how you felt about the experience

- Part 3
What are the main means of transport in your country?
Do you think traveling was better in the past than it is now?
Has it improved? How?
Are there any ways to enhance transportation efficiency in your country?
How can transportation in rural areas be developed?
Do you think that tourist attractions help people learn about new cultures?
Do you think technology makes traveling more difficult?
What can the government do to improve transport in your country?

- Part 2
Describe a great team member you worked with.
You should say:
Who this person is
When you worked together
What team project you worked on
And explain why you think he/she was a great team member.

- Part 3
What qualities should a leader have?
Why do some people dislike teamwork?
Do you think young people are good team players?

- Part 2
Describe an occasion when you had to do something in a hurry.
You should say:
What you had to do
Why you had to it in a hurry
How well you did this
And explain how you felt about having to do this in a hurry.

- Part 3
Do you often make decisions quickly in life?
What are the benefits of making decisions quickly?
Do you think we should leave enough or limited time for the decision-making process?
How does the pace of life today compare to that of the past?
How do you think modern technology has affected our time management?
Can a fast-paced lifestyle have negative effects on mental health?

- Part 2
Describe a time when people (or something) near you made a lot of noise.
You should say:
Where you heard the noise
Who made the noise
How you reacted to the noise
And explain how you felt about the noise.

- Part 3
What kinds of places should be noise-free?
Do you think there should be laws to regulate noise levels in cities?
Why are people forbidden to make noise in churches?
How does noise pollution compare to other types of pollution?
In what ways can noise be harmful to our health?
Do you think modern technology has contributed to increasing noise levels?
How do noise levels differ in rural and urban areas?
What measures can individuals take to reduce noise pollution in their community?

- Part 2
Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently.
You should say:
What the activity is
Who invited you to participate in it
Whether you asked for help during the activity
And explain what change you had

- Part 3
Do you think children today enjoy outdoor activities as much as children in the past?
How can outdoor activities be made more accessible to people living in cities?
Do you think technology has an impact on people’s participation in outdoor activities?
Why do you think some people prefer indoor activities?
How do seasonal changes affect outdoor activities?
Should schools have more outdoor activities as part of their curriculum?

- Part 2
Describe a time when you used a map (e.g., paper or electronic).
You should say:
When you used the map
Where you were
Why you used the paper map
And explain how you felt about the experience.

- Part 3
Are paper maps still necessary?
Why do most people prefer to use a paper map?
What are the differences between paper and digital maps?
What do people usually do when they get lost?
What do you think of in-car GPS navigation?
How can reading a map help you learn more about your country?
Should children be taught to read maps at school?
Why do some people never get lost?
What can people do to not get lost?
How has technology helped with directions?

- Part 2
Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot.
You should say:
Who this person is
How you knew this person
What he/she usually talks about
And explain how you feel about him/her.

- Part 3
How should parents encourage their children to express themselves when being asked questions that they are afraid to answer?
Why do some children talk more than their peers?
What kind of professions involve talking to groups of people?

- Part 2
Describe an activity you enjoyed most in your primary school.
You should say:
What the activity was
How often you did it
Who you did it with
And explain why it was your favourite activity.

- Part 3
What activities do children often do in your country?
What are the differences between activities at home and school?

- Part 2
Describe a uniform that you know of or you have worn.
You should say:
What it is like
When you usually wear it
Who bought it for you
And explain how you feel about it.

- Part 3
Where are uniforms important?
Do you think wearing a uniform in schools has a positive or negative effect on students’ behavior and performance?
How does clothing choice reflect an individual’s personality and social status?
What do you think is the future of uniforms and dress codes?
How has globalization influenced the clothing styles seen in different parts of the world?
How do dress codes in the workplace impact employees?
Should companies enforce strict dress codes?

- Part 2
Describe an occasion when you lost something and then got it back.
You should say:
what you lost
How you lost it
Where you found it
And explain what you did to find it.

- Part 3
Why do people lose their things?
What kinds of things do people usually lose?
In your opinion, are some people naturally more organized than others?
What can people do to find things they have lost?
What can people do to avoid losing their stuff?
How do you think being organized affects a person’s professional life?
Do you believe that schools should teach organizational skills to children?
What are some methods people can use to improve their organizational skills?
Do you think technology has made it easier or harder for people to stay organized?
Do you believe that being organized is a natural skill or something that can be learned?

- Part 2
Describe something you do regularly to help you work or study.
You should say:
What it is
How you do it
When you do it
And how do you feel about the method.

- Part 3
Do you believe technology has an impact on people’s daily routines? In what ways?
How important is it to have a daily routine for personal success?
What are the benefits and drawbacks of having a strict daily routine?
How do weekend routines typically differ from weekday routines in your country?
In the future, how do you think people’s daily routines might change, especially with advancements in technology?

- Part 2
Describe a time you helped someone else
You can say:
when it was
where it was
who you helped
and how you helped them

- Part 3
In what ways can individuals contribute to their communities?
Do you think people are less willing to help strangers now compared to the past?
How can schools and parents teach children the importance of helping others?
Is there a difference in how people help others in rural areas compared to urban areas?
Do you think technology has made it easier to help others? In what ways?
Can helping others sometimes have negative consequences? What might these be?

- Part 2
Describe an unusual event, holiday or trip you experienced
You can say:
when it was
where it was
what happened at the event / on the trip
and why you thought it was unusual

- Part 3
How do people generally react to unexpected situations in your culture?
Do you think it’s important to always have a plan, or is it better to be spontaneous at times?
What are some strategies that can help individuals deal with unexpected challenges in life?
How do you think technology has helped us in managing unexpected circumstances better?
Do you believe that young people are better at handling unexpected situations than older people?

- Part 2
Describe a time you were very busy
You can say:
when it was
where it was
why you were so busy
and how you handled the situation

- Part 3
Do you think technology has made it easier or harder for people to manage their time?
Do you think people in your country generally have a good balance between work and leisure?
Can being too busy impact a person’s health? How can people mitigate these effects?
What role does culture play in how people view time management and productivity?
How important is it for children to learn about time management from a young age?
What role does culture play in how people view time management and productivity?

- Part 2
Describe a new / useful skill you learnt recently
You should say:
what the skill is
how you learnt the skill
how often you use this new skill
and if you found this skill useful

- Part 3
Do you believe that some skills are more important to learn than others? Why?
Is it easier for children or adults to learn new skills?
How has the Internet changed the way people learn new skills?
Why do some people find it difficult to learn new skills?
Should learning new skills be a lifelong process?
In what ways can employers encourage their employees to learn new skills?

- Part 2
Describe an interesting conversation you had with an old person.
You should say:
Who you had it with
Where you had it
What the conversation was
And explain how you felt about this conversation.

- Part 3
Do you think old people should learn from young people?
What things can young people learn from old people?
How do people have a conversation with an elderly person?
Do you think old people can work better than young people?
What are the advantages of having people of different ages living in the same house?
In your country, do young people live with the elderly?
Has old people’s life quality improved compared to the past?
Do old people share the same interests as young people?

- Part 2
Describe something in your country you are interested in.
You should say:
What it is
How you know it
And explain why you are interested in it.

- Part 2
Describe a goal that you would like to achieve.
You should say:
what the goal is
how easy or difficult you think it will be to reach this goal
how you plan to achieve this goal
and explain why this is one of your goals.



- Part 2
Describe a period of history that interests you
You should say:
what the period is
when in history it happened
how you learn about it
 and why you think it is interesting

- Part 3
Why do you think it’s important for people to learn about history?
Can history help people to understand the present?
Does modern society have much to learn from the past?
Why do some leaders fail to learn from the past?
Do you believe that studying history can help us avoid making the same mistakes in the future?
How has technology changed the way people learn about history?
How can technology make learning history more interesting?
Do you think there is enough emphasis on teaching history in schools?
Are history museums useful?

- Part 2
Describe an activity you did with another person
You can say:
what the activity was
where and where you did it
who you did it with
and why you chose that person

- Part 3
Can you give some other examples of adventurous or risky activities?
Why do some young people like adventurous activities?
Do older people like adventurous activities?
How do adventurous activities help people to relieve stress?
What skills do people need to take part in adventurous activities?
Why do young people like doing exciting things?
How does friendship affect people’s overall well-being?

- Part 2
Describe an activity that made you feel tired
You should say:
What the activity was
When and where it was
Why you took part in it
And explain why it made you feel tired

- Part 3 – Tiredness / Energy
Why do people feel tired in today’s world?
Does studying and learning make people tired today?
When do people usually feel tired?
Do people have fewer holidays now than in the past?
What are the differences between feeling tired after studying and after exercising?
How can people solve the problem that old people easily get tired?
Can technology, such as smartphones and computers, contribute to feeling tired? How?

- Part 2
Describe a successful person you know
You should say
who they are
what they do
how you learnt about them
and explain why you think they are successful

- Part 3
How do people assess the success of others?
Is money the only measure of success in your country?
Is money a true measure of success?
In your opinion, is success more about luck or hard work?
How important is education in achieving success?
Is being successful and having a lot of money the same thing?
How do people achieve success?
What are some of the factors which influence success at school?
What influences students’ grades at school?
What skills do you think are most important for someone who wants to succeed in business?
How has technology changed the way people do business in recent years?
In your opinion, is it important for businesses to be eco-friendly?

- Part 2
Describe an occasion when you waited for a long time for a nice thing
You should say:
when it happened
what the nice thing was
why you waited for a long time
and explain how you felt about the experience

- Part 3
On what occasions do people have to wait for a long time?
What are the daily experiences when people have to wait?
Do people usually like to wait for a long time?
Why do people dislike waiting?
Why do most children have difficulties waiting for a long time?
Do children have more patience than adults?
Who behaves better while waiting: children or adults?
What can people do while waiting in a line?
Do people in your country like waiting in a line?

- Part 2
Describe someone you know who loves cooking.
You should say:
who this person is
how you know him or her
what kinds of food he/she cooks
and explain why you think this person loves cooking.

- Part 3
What do we need to prepare when we cook?
Why do people cook for others?
Do you agree that food is an important part of the festivals in your country?
Which dishes are a must at festivals?
Lots of people don’t want to cook these days. Why?
Is it important to have a meal together with your family?

- Part 2
Describe a photo that makes you happy.
You should say:
what the photo is like
when and where you took this photo
how often you watch it
and explain why this photo makes you happy.

- Part 3
Do people take more photos now than before?
Do you think equipment is important to photography?
Do you think being a professional photographer is a good job?
Is it easier to take pictures now than in the past?

- Part 2
Describe a foreigner who can speak your language well.
You should say:
who he/she is
how you know him/her
why he/she can speak your language well
and explain how you feel about this person.

- Part 3
When do students in your country start to learn foreign languages?
What foreign languages do they learn in your country? Why?
What qualities should a language teacher have?
Do you have any techniques for learning languages?
Do you think it is faster for children to learn languages than adults?
How does technology influence language learning?
Why are so many people learning English?
How can we help children learn English?
Do you think the way people learn English today is the same as in the past?
What are the benefits of the Internet for people’s learning?

- Part 2
Describe a famous athlete you know.
You should say:
who he/she is
how you knew him/her
what he/she has achieved
and explain why he/she is famous.

- Part 3
What kinds of exercises do people in your country like to do?
What characteristics do you think an athlete should have?
Do you think academic classes should replace PE classes?
How can people know whether a child has a talent for sports?

- Part 2
Describe a time when you solve a problem by using a computer.
You should say:
what the problem was
how you solved the problem
how long it took to solve this problem
and explain how you felt about this experience.

- Part 3
Where can people learn to use electronic devices?
Do you think social media platforms like YouTube are good places for people to learn to use electronic devices?
Do you think current electronic devices are better than those in the past?

- Part 2
Describe a park or garden in your city.
You should say:
when you go there
what it is like
what you do there
and explain how you feel about it.

- Part 3
Do you think people should keep parks and gardens clean?
Are public parks or gardens popular among people who live in cities?
Do you like to grow flowers or vegetables?
Do you think people of all ages like to go to parks?
Do young people like to go to parks?
What do old people like to do in parks?
What are the benefits of going to the park for young people and old people?
Why do some people like planting flowers?

- Part 2
Describe a painting
You should say:
when you first saw this painting
what the painting is about
who the painter is
and explain how you feel about this painting

- Part 3
What are the differences between painting and drawing?
Why do some people keep a painting for a long time?
Why do some paintings have more value than others?
How does building style affect people’s lives?
Does the design of a building influence people’s mood?
What kinds of art do people like in your country?
What kind of art is the most valuable in terms of money? Monetary value
Is art important?

- Part 2
Describe a party that you enjoyed.
You should say:
when you went to the party
where the party was
what kind of party it was
and explain why you enjoyed this party

- Part 3
Why do people like parties?
Why do some people dislike going to parties?
What do adults do at parties?
Do you think music and dancing are a must at a party?
How do people celebrate their personal events?
What do children do at birthday parties?
Why do people organise family parties in your country?

- Part 2
Describe a science subject (Biology, Robotics) that you are interested in
You should say:
which subject it is
where you learnt it
how you learnt it
and explain why you are interested in it

- Part 3
Is it important to study Science at school?
Why don’t some children like learning Science at school?
Which science subject is the most important for children to learn?
Should people continue to study Science after finishing school?
How do people get to know about scientific news?
Should scientists explain the research process to the public?
Can science change our society?
Which is more important: science or social studies?

- Part 2
Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work.
You should say:
what the rule is about
what happens when people break this rule
why you think it is an important rule
and explain how you feel about the rule

- Part 3
What rules do most families have?
What rules should children follow at home in your country?
On what occasions can children be forgiven if they don’t follow some rules?
What rules do people have in schools and workplaces in your country?
What rules should people follow when using public transport?
Why don’t some people follow the rules?

- Part 2
Describe someone you don’t know, but would like to know more about
You should say:
who this person is
what they are like
what interesting things they have done
and say why you want to know more about him/her

- Part 3
Are there any differences in the relationship between you and your friends and between you and other people?
Do people feel lonely in crowded cities?

- Part 2
Describe a period of time that changed your life
You should say:
when it was
who you were with
what happened
and explain why it changed your life

- Part 3
Do people like new things or changes in life?
Why do some people dislike change?
Why do some people quit and change jobs?
How can people adapt to changes in life?

- Part 2
Describe an activity that made you feel tired
You should say:
when it happened
where it took place
what the activity was
and explain why it made you feel tired

- Part 3
Does learning make people tired today?
When do people usually feel tired?
What do you think about striving for learning and striving for sports?

- Part 2
Describe a place in your country that you’re interested in
You should say:
where it is
how you knew it
why you are interested in it

- Part 3
Why do some people travel a lot?
Do people have different personalities in different regions of your country?
What causes the differences between different regions of your country?
Do children like to try new things, or do people of your parents’ age also like to try new things?

- Part 2
Describe an occasion when you received bad service
You should say:
who provided this service
what service it was
when you received this service
and explain how you felt about it.

- Part 3
What do people do when they get bad service?
How do people respond to bad service?
Why do some people choose to be silent when they receive bad service?
What kind of service should customers expect from a company?
What is good service?
What is bad service?
Who should be responsible for bad service?
What should companies do if their product is faulty?
When does good service play an important role?
Can robots provide better customer service than people?
Are customers' expectations too high?
Why don't some companies provide good service?
How can a company maintain the quality of their service?
How can companies improve customer service?
Is service better in large or small shops?

- Part 2
Describe a successful business person you know.
You should say:
who this person is
how you knew them
what business he/she does
And explain why he/she is successful

- Part 3
What kinds of family businesses are common in your country?
What do you think of family businesses?
Is it good to work with family members?
Why do people want to do family business?
What factors lead to success?
What do people need to sacrifice for success?
Why do some people achieve success faster than others?
Are successful people often lonely?

- Part 2
Describe a person who always has interesting ideas or opinions
You should say:
who this person is
what this person does
how you knew him/her
And explain why you think his/her ideas/opinions are interesting

- Part 3
When do you think children start to have their own ideas/opinions?
Are children’s opinions influenced by their parents?
Do children have similar ideas to their parents?
What encourages people to come up with new ideas/inventions?
How do inventors or philosophers come up with new ideas?
Should people spend more time reading about the ideas of famous thinkers of the past?
Whose ideas and opinions are widely respected in your country?

- Part 2
Describe a beautiful city
You should say:
where the city is
how you knew the city
what buildings the city has
and explain what it is famous for

- Part 3
Why do some people like to visit historical sites?
What are the differences between modern towns and modern cities?

- Part 2
Describe a piece of good advice that you gave to someone
You should say:
who you gave the advice to
what the advice was
why you gave the advice
and explain how he/she followed your advice

- Part 3
Do you think parents should give their children advice?
Should teachers give students advice?
Do you think it is necessary to listen to friends’ and parents’advice?
How to give young people and old people advice?
Why do many young people refuse the advice of older people?
Why is it easier for some people to accept advice?
What people are most suitable to give advice to others?
Is it ok if professional advice costs a lot?
What problems can people have if they ask many people for advice?

- Part 2
Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of
You should say:
what the task was
how you completed it
why the task was difficult
why you were proud of the completion of the task

- Part 3
What are the things that make people feel proud of?
Do people often feel proud when they complete a difficult task?

- Part 2
Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful
You should say:
Where you can see it
What it shows
Why you think it is useful
And explain how you feel about it

- Part 3
What do you think of online advertising?
Are there any good online adverts?
Why do people watch useless advertising?

Как научиться писать любое эссе и график в IELTS

Полный курс по IELTS Writing Academic
14 уроков / 7+ часов
  • Как писать ВСЕ типы эссе
  • Как описывать ВСЕ типы графиков
  • Как структурировать текст по абзацам
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  • Что нужно делать, чтобы получить высокий балл

Дополнительно: Гайд по подготовке к IELTS Writing Task
Writing Task 1 (Графики) - 87 стр., PDF
Writing Task 2 (Эссе) - 98 стр., PDF

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