Лайфхак: как разобраться с темами IELTS Speaking part 2?

Лайфхак: как разобраться с темами IELTS Speaking part 2?

Во второй части IELTS Speaking экзаменатор даёт вам карточку с топиком, например:

Describe something you don’t have now but would really like to own in the future.
You should say:
- What this thing is
- How long you have wanted to own it
- Where you first saw it
And explain why you would like to own it.

Этих топиков очень много, они все разные и тем полно. Смотрим темы здесь: Вопросы IELTS Speaking Part 2

НО! Почти все эти задания Speaking Part 2 можно разделить на блоки:

1. Describe a person:
an older person you admire, a singer, an actor, a polite person, a celebrity, member of your family, person who wears unusual clothes

2. Describe a place:
a  home you liked/visited but did not want to live in, part of a city or town, a quiet place, a market, a café/restaurant, city, country, a beautiful place to visit in your country/city, school, a tall building in your city you like or dislike

3. Describe an object:
present, clothes, a device/ a piece of equipment, a photo, a souvenir, toy, an old object which your family has kept, art or craft (painting, woodwork) you made at school

4. Describe a time when…/an experience/situation:
A time when you helped a friend, a time you saw 2 of your friends having an argument, a time you used your imagination, a  time you were pleased with your purchase, a time you made a promise to someone, an experience when you got bored when you were with others, a time when your computer broke down, when you told your friend the truth, when you gave advice, when you saw smth interesting on social media, when you were not allowed to use your mobile phone, when you saw a lot of people smiling; when you tried a new food for the first time

5. Describe an event:
an event in history, a sports event, an important event in your life, a trip you often take, but dislike

6. Describe an activity:
game, sport, an activity you do alone, something healthy you do, a party, activity by the sea, a puzzle (jigsaw, crossword) you have played, an activity you do after work or studies

7. Describe mass media:
an app, a TV documentary, a film, advertisement, article, news, book, an article on health you read in a magazine or on the Internet

8 Describe something from nature:
wild animal, plant, animal, lake, river

9 Work:
Company that employs a lot of people, an  ideal job you'd like to do in the future

10 Other:
An interesting conversation you had, a skill you can teach others, your favourite weather, natural talent you want to improve, plan in your life not related to work/study, law on environmental protection

Эта классификация поможет вам подготовить слова и фразы.

Например, можно заранее выписать слова, чтобы рассказывать про людей и если попадётся Describe a child или an elderly person вы можете использовать эти заготовленные слова.

У вас могут быть одни и те же слова для описания человека (не важно какого именно: writer/actor/grandmother) – главное вы их запомните и скажете на экзамене. А что правда или неправда – экзаменатор не узнает)

Чеклист топиков IELTS Speaking, Лето-Осень 2021 + PDF

IELTS Speaking Part 1: Новые вопросы и топики, Лето-Осень 2021

IELTS Speaking Part 2-3: Новые вопросы и топики, Лето-Осень 2021

IELTS Speaking Part 2 and 3 Topics and Questions 2021

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topics and Questions 2021

Как научиться писать любое эссе и график в IELTS

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  • Что нужно делать, чтобы получить высокий балл

Дополнительно: Гайд по подготовке к IELTS Writing Task
Writing Task 1 (Графики) - 87 стр., PDF
Writing Task 2 (Эссе) - 98 стр., PDF

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