Чеклист топиков IELTS Speaking, Лето-Осень 2021 + PDF

Чеклист топиков IELTS Speaking, Лето-Осень 2021 + PDF

Use this checklist with current IELTS topics to prepare for your speaking test and you won’t be surprised by an unknown topic in your exam!) Questions to these topics are here:

Download PDF of this checklist here



Work or studies (always in use) TV programs Getting up early
Your Hometown (always in use) Singing Reading
Your Country (always in use) Scenery (window views) Happiness
Your flat/house (always in use) BBQ Environmental Protection
Home decoration Sky and Stars Festivals
Farming Flowers Wallets
Trees Advertising Relax
Rest Special Costumes Car Trips
Maths Wild Animals Primary School
Museums Names New Year
  Holidays (Public Holidays)  




A time when you helped a friend Application you use on your mobile phone
A time you saw 2 of your friends having an argument Activity in or near the sea
A time you used your imagination A tall building in your city you like or dislike
Trip you often take, but dislike A law on environmental protection
A wild animal you have seen A puzzle (jigsaw, crossword) you have played
A time you were pleased with your purchase An occasion when you saw a lot of people smiling
An interesting conversation you had A street market/an outdoor market you’ve visited
A skill you can teach others A city where you want to live in the future
A time you made a promise to someone Your favourite singer/actor
Live sports event Something interesting on social media
A home you liked/visited but did not want to live in A plan in your life not related to work/study
An experience when you got bored when you were with others An art or craft (painting, woodwork) you made at school
A time when your computer broke down Older person you admire 
A time when it was important to tell your friend the truth A time when you were not allowed to use your mobile phone
A famous person you are interested in A time you shared something  with others
An old object which your family has kept for a long time Article on health you read in a magazine or on the Internet
An ideal job you'd like to do in the future A quiet place you like to spend time in
A time when you advise someone Your favourite film/movie
A polite person A time you saw smth interesting on social media
A toy which you enjoyed the most in your childhood An activity you do after work or studies
A  time when you tried a new food for the first time Natural talent you want to improve
A time when you waited in a line for a long time Your favourite weather (weather you like)
Person who wears unusual clothes Company that employs a lot of people
A time when you got lost Something that wasn’t successful
A time when you encouraged smb to do smth they didn’t want to do A piece of equipment
A part of a city or town you enjoy spending time in  




Mobile Phones/Apps Activities/rest by the sea Buildings, Architecture
Learning and young children Learning in school
The value of knowledge
Jobs that require physical energy
Physical energy at all ages
Mental energy in modern life
Music/Musical Instruments
Music in everyday life
The arts and society
Puzzles Laws and Rules Smiling
Things which are expensive
Money and the individual
Wealth and society
Working in another country
Working for an international company
International companies in the future
Helping people
Receiving help
Reasons for giving help
Street Markets


National Identity

Public places
Arguments Truth and lies Boredom
Travelling Careers Politeness
Important things Giving Advice Famous people/Celebrities
Home Electric Appliances
Children and ads (adverts)
Visiting others
Animals Food and cooking Conversations
Waiting Promises Clothes
Making Plans Getting lost, maps Older people
Keeping fit and the Internet
Film Industry
Quiet Places
Large Companies Sharing things Talents
Social Media
Friends on Social Media
Extreme Sports
Free time Activities
Sports Events/Competition Handicrafts/Traditional Art Imagination


You can read IELTS Part 1, 2 and 3 2021 questions here:



Как научиться писать любое эссе и график в IELTS

Полный курс по IELTS Writing Academic
14 уроков / 7+ часов
  • Как писать ВСЕ типы эссе
  • Как описывать ВСЕ типы графиков
  • Как структурировать текст по абзацам
  • Что писать в каждом параграфе
  • Какую грамматику использовать
  • Какие слова использовать
  • Как эффективно связывать свои идеи
  • Что нужно делать, чтобы получить высокий балл

Дополнительно: Гайд по подготовке к IELTS Writing Task
Writing Task 1 (Графики) - 87 стр., PDF
Writing Task 2 (Эссе) - 98 стр., PDF

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