IELTS Speaking Part 2-3: Новые темы, вопросы и топики - Май-Сентябрь 2024

IELTS Speaking Part 2-3: Новые темы, вопросы и топики - Май-Сентябрь 2024

IELTS Speaking Part 2-3: Новые темы, вопросы и топики - Май-Сентябрь 2024

В следующий раз темы поменяются 1 сентября 2024.

Мы НЕ знаем какие точно будут вопросы в Speaking Part 3. Тут собраны примерные вопросы, которые может задать экзаменатор. Формулировка, тема и сам вопрос может отличаться от вопросов ниже.
Только в 3-й части экзаменатор может менять вопросы и задавать их, в зависимости от того, что вы говорите. Поэтому, эта часть называется “Discussion”. В 3-й части мы собрали примерные вопросы, чтобы показать вам какие могут быть.

- Part 2
Describe a person who thinks music is important and enjoys music.
You should say:
Who this person is
How you knew him/her
What music he/she likes
Why he/she thinks music is important
And explain how you feel about him/her.

- Part 3
What do you think about playing music for children in class?
Why do many teachers incorporate music into the classroom?
Are there any advantages to a shop that plays music?
How would people's shopping behaviour be affected in a shop with music?
What would be the effect of background music in a film?
Do you think very few people notice background music? Why?

- Part 2
Describe an indoor or outdoor place where it is easy for you to study.
You should say:
What the facility is
When it was renovated and improved
What has been renovated and improved
And explain how you feel about it

- Part 3
Do you like to learn on your own or with others?
What's the difference between learning face-to-face with teachers and learning by yourself?
Do you prefer to study at home or study in other places?
What are the benefits of gaining work experience while studying?
Do most people like to study in a noisy place?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying with other people?

- Part 2
Describe a time that you showed something new to others.
You should say:
When it was
What it was
Who you showed it to
How you showed it
And explain how you felt about it.

- Part 3
What qualities should a good learner have?
What skills should children learn?
What are the differences between the things adults learn and the things that children learn?
Why are some people not willing to ask for help from others while studying?

- Part 2
Describe a place where you have taken photos more than once.
You should say:
Where the place is
When you took the photos
What special features do the photos taken there have
And explain why you have been there more than once to take photos.

- Part 3
Where do people often like to take photos?
Who would like to take photos more often, young people or older people?
Would you pay a lot of money to hire a photographer?
Do you think being a photographer is a good job?
On what occasions do people need formal photos?

- Part 2
Describe an important plant in your country/ a plant grown in your country
You should say:
What it is
Where you see it
What it looks like
And explain why it is important
Describe a Person You Know Who Loves to Grow Plants

- Part 3
What do you think of the job of a farmer?
What are the differences between traditional and modern agriculture?
How much traditional farming is there now in your country?
Is there enough water in your country to support farming?
In the future what natural or man-made disasters could affect the supply of food in your country?
Does bad weather affect the food supply where you live?
Should schools teach children how to grow plants?
Have new kinds of plants been grown in your city recently?
Why do some people like to keep plants at home?
Are there many trees in your city?
Are there many people growing their own vegetables now?
Do you think it’s good to let kids learn how to plant?
What are the features of living in the countryside?
Why do some people move to the countryside?

- Part 2
Describe your first day at school
You should say:
Where the school was
How you went there
What happened that day
And how you felt on that day

- Part 3
Children and Jobs
What would parents prepare when their kids go to school on the first day?
How do children socialize with each other?
Is socialization important for children?
What are the reasons for job change?
Are big companies better than small companies? Why?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of changing jobs?

- Part 2
Describe smth you own that you want to replace
You should say:
What it is
Where it is
How you got it
And explain why you want to replace it

- Part 3
Does consumption have any impact on the environment?
Why do some people always want to buy new things to replace old ones?
Why do some people replace things more often than others?
Why do young people change things more often than old people?
Why do some people like to buy expensive things?
Why do some people prefer to buy things in the supermarket rather than online?

- Part 2
Describe a time when you received money as a gift.
You should say:
When it happened
Who gave you the money
Why they gave you money
And explain how you used the money

- Part 3
Why do people rarely use cash now?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using credit card?
Do you think it’s a good thing that more people are using digital payment?
When do children begin to comprehend the value of money?
Is it good and necessary to teach children to save money?
Should parents reward children with money?

- Part 2
Describe a risk you took.
You should say:
When you took the risk
Why you took the risk
How it went
And explain how you felt about it

- Part 3
Why do people like dangerous things?
How should parents teach their children what a risk is?
What risks should parents tell their children to avoid?
Why do some people like to watch risk-taking movies?
Why do some people enjoy extreme sports?
Who is more interested in taking risks, the young or the old?

- Part 2
Describe a person who encouraged you to achieve a goal.
You should say:
Who the person is
How they encouraged you
What goal you achieved
And explain how you feel about this person

- Part 3
Is money the only motivation for people to work hard?
Do you think children are more likely to achieve their goals if they are encouraged?
How can parents and teachers motivate children to study?
What should parents do if their children don’t want to study?
Who do you think should set goals for children?
Who play a more important role in children’s education, parents or teachers?

- Part 2
Describe a place that is not visited by many tourists.
You should say:
What the place is
What people can see there
Why only very few people visit there
And explain why you think it is interesting

- Part 3
Why do people visit tourist attractions?
What makes a tourist attraction famous?
Do local people like to visit local tourist attractions?
Do you think tourism damages the environment?
Do you think tourism causes environmental change?
How can people prevent the environmental damage caused by tourism?
Does mass tourism give few benefits to local communities?
Should all tourist attractions be free to the public?

- Part 2
Describe a place in your home where you can relax.
You should say:
Where it is
What it is like
What you enjoy doing there
And explain why you feel relaxed at this place

- Part 3
Do you think there should be classes for training young people and children how to relax?
Which is more important, mental relaxation or physical relaxation?
Why is it difficult for some people to relax?
What are the benefits of doing exercise?
Do people in your country exercise after work?
What is the place where people spend most of their time at home?

- Part 2
Describe a person you met at a party.
You should say:
What party it was
Who this person is
What you talked about
And explain why you enjoyed talking with him/her

- Part 3
In what situations would people be willing to get to know new people?
How do people usually make friends?
Where do people go to meet new people?
How do people start a conversation?
Why are some people unwilling to have conversations with others?
Is it difficult for adults to talk with children?

- Part 2
Describe a place where it is easy for you to study.
You should say:
Where it is
What it is like
When you go there
What you study there
And explain why you would like to study in this place

- Part 3
Is it better to learn on your own or with others?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying with other people?
What’s the difference between learning face-to-face with teachers and learning by yourself?
Is it better to study at home or study in other places?
What are the benefits of gaining work experience while studying?

- Part 2
Describe a daily routine that you enjoy.
You should say:
What it is
Where and when you do it
Who you do it with
And explain why you enjoy it

- Part 3
How do people’s routines differ on weekdays and weekends?
What daily routines do people have at home?
Should children have learning routines?
What are the advantages of children having a routine at school?
Does having a routine make children feel more secure at school?
What are the differences between people’s daily routines now and in the past?

- Part 2
Describe a complaint you made and were satisfied with the result.
You should say:
When it happened
Who you complained to
What you complained about
And explain why you were satisfied with the result

- Part 3
When are people more likely to make complaints?
What do people often complain about?
Which one is better when making a complaint, by talking or by writing?
Who are more likely to make complaints, older people or younger people?
How do people usually react if they received a poor service at a restaurant?
How do people often respond to poor customer service?

- Part 2
Describe an advertisement you’ve seen, but didn’t like.
You should say:
Where and when you saw it
What type of advertisement it was
What you saw
And explain why you didn’t like it.

- Part 3
What are the benefits of advertising?
What are the most advertised products in your country?
Which one is more effective, newspaper advertising or online advertising?
What do you think of celebrity endorsements in advertising?
Does advertising encourage people to buy things we don’t need?
What role do social media play in advertising?

- Part 2
Describe A Public Facility (e.g., A Museum, A Library) That Has Been Renovated And Improved.
You should say:
What the facility is
When it was renovated and improved
What has been renovated and improved
And explain how you feel about it.

- Part 3
What are the benefits of public facilities?
Why are public transport methods popular, such as the subway?
Why are some public transport methods unpopular?
What kind of transport do young people and old people prefer?
Do you think people would feel happier when they are in a park or a coffee shop?
Is it important to have parks in the city?
Is a public park necessary in every area? Why?
What benefits can a park bring?
Do we need big or small parks in the city?
Do young people like to go to parks?

- Part 2
Describe a hospitable person (who is good at making people feel welcome in his/her home).
You should say:
who this person is,
how you knew him/her,
how he/she makes you feel welcome,
and explain why you think he/she is good at making people feel welcome.

- Part 3
Do people in your country often invite others to their homes? Why?
What do you think of serving food to visitors?
What kind of people do you think are more likely to invite others to their homes?
Who are more likely to invite others to their homes, people in the countryside or people in the city?
What traditions are there when visiting other people’s homes?
Do people usually bring a gift?
How do people entertain friends at their home?
Are people more hospitable now than in the past?

- Part 2
Describe a time you bought something from a street market.
You should say:
When it was
Where it was
What you bought
And how you felt about it.

- Part 3
What kinds of markets are there in your country?
What are the differences between shopping in street markets and big shopping malls?
What goods are typically sold in street markets?
Do you think small markets will disappear in the future?
Why do some people like to buy luxuries/expensive goods?
Do you think the goods sold at discount stores have poor quality?
Have people’s shopping habits changed in recent years?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping in a big shopping centre?
What makes large shopping centres popular?

- Part 2
Describe a complaint you heard
You should say:
when it happened
where it happened
what the complaint was about
and if the complaint was resolved or not

- Part 3
Who is more likely to complain: older or younger people?
What do people often complain about?
What products or services do people in your country like to complain about?
Which is better: to complain in writing or talk to people?
Is it necessary for companies to set up customer service?
Will customers' complaints improve products or services?
Are there any disadvantages to setting up customer services?
Do you think that people will complain more in the future?
Why do people feel the need to complain about services or products?
How should companies handle customer complaints?
Do you believe that complaining has become more common in recent years?

- Part 2
Describe a goal that you would like to achieve.
You should say:
what the goal is
how easy or difficult you think it will be to reach this goal
how you plan to achieve this goal
and explain why this is one of your goals.

- Part 3
Why do you think it’s important for people to have goals?
What kinds of goals are not realistic?
What can happen if goals are unrealistic?
What is the difference between a long-term and a short-term goal?
Do you believe that young people face more pressure nowadays to achieve certain goals?
What kind of goals do young people often have?
What role do you think technology plays in helping people achieve their goals?
Should parents set goals for their children, or should children be allowed to set their own goals?

- Part 2
Describe a film you watched recently
You should say:
what the film was
where you watched it
what the film was about
and explain if you enjoyed it or not
Describe a film you would like to share with your friends.
Describe your favorite film.

- Part 3
Is the experience of watching a film in a cinema is significantly different from watching it at home?
Which film genres are most popular in your country?
With the increasing popularity of streaming services, what do you think is the future of cinemas?
In what ways has the film industry changed in the past few decades?
How do films influence our culture and the way people think?
Do you think (watching) films have (has) any educational benefits?
Why do you think documentary films are not so popular?
Do men and women like to watch the same kinds of films?

- Part 2
Describe a useful object that you own
You should say:
what the object is
what it does
how often you use it
and how you feel it

- Part 3
How have modern gadgets impacted the way families interact with each other at home?
What role do electronic gadgets play in the field of education today?
In what ways have technological advancements in household appliances made life easier for people?
Have gadgets improved the balance between work and personal life?
What concerns are there regarding security and privacy with the increasing use of smart home devices?
How does the use of gadgets differ between older and younger generations?

- Part 2
Describe a place where you can relax.
You should say:
Where it is
What it is like
How often you go there
And explain how you feel about this place.

- Part 3
Do people have enough places to relax in your country?
What do people often do to relax?
Why is relaxation important for people?
Do you think spending too much time on the screen is good for relaxing?
Do people have to spend a lot of money on relaxing?
How can people achieve a balance between work and relaxation?
Has technology affected the way people relax in the modern era?
Should governments play a role in ensuring their citizens have enough time to relax? How?
What do you think will be the future trends in relaxation and leisure activities?

- Part 2
Describe a job you don't want to do in the future.
You should say:
What it is
Where you knew it from
Why you think it is difficult or easy
And explain why you don't want to do it.

- Part 3
How do you think Al will affect people's work?
What would you say are the important factors to be considered when choosing a career?
Technology will make some people unemployed. How can this problem be solved?
Is it common in your country for people to move to other cities because of work?

- Part 2
Describe a journey/travel you were looking forward to but it was delayed.
You should say:
Where you planned to travel to
Why you were looking forward to it
Why it had to be delayed
And explain how you felt about the experience

- Part 3
What are the main means of transport in your country?
Do you think traveling was better in the past than it is now?
Has it improved? How?
Are there any ways to enhance transportation efficiency in your country?
How can transportation in rural areas be developed?
Do you think that tourist attractions help people learn about new cultures?
Do you think technology makes traveling more difficult?
What can the government do to improve transport in your country?

- Part 2
Describe a great team member you worked with.
You should say:
Who this person is
When you worked together
What team project you worked on
And explain why you think he/she was a great team member.

- Part 3
What qualities should a leader have?
Do you think everyone can become team leaders?
Why do some people dislike teamwork?
Do you think young people are good team players?
What are the benefits and drawbacks of working in a team?
How can a team deal with conflicts among its members?
How do cultural differences affect team dynamics?
How do team sports and group projects in school prepare young people for working in teams later in life?

- Part 2
Describe an occasion when you had to do something in a hurry.
You should say:
What you had to do
Why you had to it in a hurry
How well you did this
And explain how you felt about having to do this in a hurry.

- Part 3
Do you often make decisions quickly in life?
What are the benefits of making decisions quickly?
Do you think we should leave enough or limited time for the decision-making process?
How does the pace of life today compare to that of the past?
How do you think modern technology has affected our time management?
Can a fast-paced lifestyle have negative effects on mental health?

- Part 2
Describe a time when people (or something) near you made a lot of noise.
You should say:
Where you heard the noise
Who made the noise
How you reacted to the noise
And explain how you felt about the noise.

- Part 3
What kinds of places should be noise-free?
Do you think there should be laws to regulate noise levels in cities?
Why are people forbidden to make noise in churches?
How does noise pollution compare to other types of pollution?
In what ways can noise be harmful to our health?
Do you think modern technology has contributed to increasing noise levels?
How do noise levels differ in rural and urban areas?
What measures can individuals take to reduce noise pollution in their community?

- Part 2
Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently.
You should say:
What the activity is
Who invited you to participate in it
Whether you asked for help during the activity
And explain what change you had

- Part 3
Do you think children today enjoy outdoor activities as much as children in the past?
How can outdoor activities be made more accessible to people living in cities?
Do you think technology has an impact on people’s participation in outdoor activities?
Why do you think some people prefer indoor activities?
How do seasonal changes affect outdoor activities?
Should schools have more outdoor activities as part of their curriculum?

- Part 2
Describe a time when you used a map (e.g., paper or electronic).
You should say:
When you used the map
Where you were
Why you used the paper map
And explain how you felt about the experience.

- Part 3
Are paper maps still necessary?
Why do most people prefer to use a paper map?
What are the differences between paper and digital maps?
What do people usually do when they get lost?
What do you think of in-car GPS navigation?
How can reading a map help you learn more about your country?
Should children be taught to read maps at school?
Why do some people never get lost?
What can people do to not get lost?
How has technology helped with directions?

- Part 2
Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot.
You should say:
Who this person is
How you knew this person
What he/she usually talks about
And explain how you feel about him/her.

- Part 3
How should parents encourage their children to express themselves when being asked questions that they are afraid to answer?
Why do some children talk more than their peers?
What kind of professions involve talking to groups of people?

- Part 2
Describe an activity you enjoyed most in your primary school.
You should say:
What the activity was
How often you did it
Who you did it with
And explain why it was your favourite activity.

- Part 3
What activities do children often do in your country?
What are the differences between activities at home and school?
What do children do when they hang out with their friends?
What role do outdoor activities play in a child’s development?
How have children’s games changed in the past few decades?
Do you think technology affects the way children play today?
Should parents strictly regulate their children’s playtime activities?
Will the development of science and technology give people more free time?

- Part 2
Describe a uniform that you know of or you have worn.
You should say:
What it is like
When you usually wear it
Who bought it for you
And explain how you feel about it.

- Part 3
Where are uniforms important?
Do you think wearing a uniform in schools has a positive or negative effect on students’ behavior and performance?
How does clothing choice reflect an individual’s personality and social status?
What do you think is the future of uniforms and dress codes?
How has globalization influenced the clothing styles seen in different parts of the world?
How do dress codes in the workplace impact employees?
Should companies enforce strict dress codes?

- Part 2
Describe an occasion when you lost something and then got it back.
You should say:
what you lost
How you lost it
Where you found it
And explain what you did to find it.
OR describe smth someone lost.

- Part 3
Why do people lose their things?
What kinds of things do people usually lose?
In your opinion, are some people naturally more organized than others?
What can people do to find things they have lost?
What can people do to avoid losing their stuff?
How do you think being organized affects a person’s professional life?
Do you believe that schools should teach organizational skills to children?
What are some methods people can use to improve their organizational skills?
Do you think technology has made it easier or harder for people to stay organized?
Do you believe that being organized is a natural skill or something that can be learned?

- Part 2
Describe something you do regularly to help you work or study.
You should say:
What it is
How you do it
When you do it
And how do you feel about the method.

- Part 3
Do you believe technology has an impact on people’s daily routines? In what ways?
How important is it to have a daily routine for personal success?
What are the benefits and drawbacks of having a strict daily routine?
How do weekend routines typically differ from weekday routines in your country?
In the future, how do you think people’s daily routines might change, especially with advancements in technology?

- Part 2
Describe a time you helped someone else
You can say:
when it was
where it was
who you helped
and how you helped them

- Part 3
In what ways can individuals contribute to their communities?
Do you think people are less willing to help strangers now compared to the past?
How can schools and parents teach children the importance of helping others?
Is there a difference in how people help others in rural areas compared to urban areas?
Do you think technology has made it easier to help others? In what ways?
Can helping others sometimes have negative consequences? What might these be?

- Part 2
Describe an unusual event, holiday or trip you experienced
You can say:
when it was
where it was
what happened at the event / on the trip
and why you thought it was unusual

- Part 3
How do people generally react to unexpected situations in your culture?
Do you think it’s important to always have a plan, or is it better to be spontaneous at times?
What are some strategies that can help individuals deal with unexpected challenges in life?
How do you think technology has helped us in managing unexpected circumstances better?
Do you believe that young people are better at handling unexpected situations than older people?

- Part 2
Describe a time you were very busy
You can say:
when it was
where it was
why you were so busy
and how you handled the situation

- Part 3
Do you think technology has made it easier or harder for people to manage their time?
Do you think people in your country generally have a good balance between work and leisure?
Can being too busy impact a person’s health? How can people mitigate these effects?
What role does culture play in how people view time management and productivity?
How important is it for children to learn about time management from a young age?
What role does culture play in how people view time management and productivity?

- Part 2
Describe a new / useful skill you learnt recently
You should say:
what the skill is
how you learnt the skill
how often you use this new skill
and if you found this skill useful

- Part 3
Do you believe that some skills are more important to learn than others? Why?
Is it easier for children or adults to learn new skills?
How has the Internet changed the way people learn new skills?
Why do some people find it difficult to learn new skills?
Should learning new skills be a lifelong process?
In what ways can employers encourage their employees to learn new skills?

- Part 2
Describe an interesting conversation you had with an old person.
You should say:
Who you had it with
Where you had it
What the conversation was
And explain how you felt about this conversation.

- Part 3
Do you think old people should learn from young people?
What things can young people learn from old people?
How do people have a conversation with an elderly person?
Do you think old people can work better than young people?
What are the advantages of having people of different ages living in the same house?
In your country, do young people live with the elderly?
Has old people’s life quality improved compared to the past?
Do old people share the same interests as young people?

Как научиться писать любое эссе и график в IELTS

Полный курс по IELTS Writing Academic
14 уроков / 7+ часов
  • Как писать ВСЕ типы эссе
  • Как описывать ВСЕ типы графиков
  • Как структурировать текст по абзацам
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  • Какие слова использовать
  • Как эффективно связывать свои идеи
  • Что нужно делать, чтобы получить высокий балл

Дополнительно: Гайд по подготовке к IELTS Writing Task
Writing Task 1 (Графики) - 87 стр., PDF
Writing Task 2 (Эссе) - 98 стр., PDF

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