IELTS Speaking Part 2-3: Новые темы, вопросы и топики - Май-Сентябрь 2023

IELTS Speaking Part 2-3: Новые темы, вопросы и топики - Май-Сентябрь 2023

IELTS Speaking Part 2-3: Новые темы, вопросы и топики - Май-Сентябрь 2023

В следующий раз темы поменяются 1 сентября 2023.

Мы НЕ знаем какие точно будут вопросы в Speaking Part 3. Тут собраны примерные вопросы, которые может задать экзаменатор. Формулировка, тема и сам вопрос может отличаться от вопросов ниже. Только в 3-й части экзаменатор может менять вопросы и задавать вопросы, в зависимости от того, что вы говорите. Поэтому эта часть называется “Discussion”. В 3-й части мы собрали примерные вопросы, чтобы показать вам какие могут быть. 

- Part 2
Describe a water sport you want to learn in the future.
You should say:
what it is
what you need to do this sport
why you want to learn this sport
and explain whether it is difficult or easy to learn this sport.

- Part 3
What types of water sports are popular in your country? Why?
What do you think are the benefits of participating in water sports?
What are the disadvantages of water transport?
Do you think water sports are safe? Why or why not?
Why do people want to try an extreme water sport like skydiving or bungee jumping into water? Why do some people dislike such activities?
Are there many people in your country who often go diving?
How do you think climate change will affect water sports in the future?
Do you think schools should teach children how to swim?

- Part 2
Describe an occasion when you spent time with a young child.
You should say:
who this child is
where you spent time with this child
what you did together
and how you felt about it.

- Part 3
Do you think there are too many rules for children to follow?
Do you think children should have many toys?
Do you think it's good for parents to help their children choose friends?
How can parents help children make decisions?
At what age should children start to make decisions?
What are some of the biggest challenges that parents face when raising children?
Do you think that parents today face different challenges than parents did in the past?
What do you think are some of the most important things that parents can do to help their children grow up to be responsible and successful adults?
What are some of the most effective discipline techniques for children?

- Part 2
Describe a traditional festival in your country
You can say:
what the festival is
when and where it is held
what happens at the festival
and say if you enjoy the festival

- Part 3
Is it important to celebrate traditional festivals?
Will these traditions be lost in the future?
Do you think that festivals and traditions have an important role in society?
What is a traditional food or drink that people typically enjoy during festivals in your country?
How have festivals and traditions changed over the years in your country?
Do you think they will continue to change in the future?
Do you think that festivals and traditions are becoming less important in modern society?
Are there any traditional festivals that are not celebrated anymore in your country?
Are traditional festivals disappearing?
Should children learn about traditional festivals at school?

- Part 2
Describe a person who moved into new accommodation/who moved to your community.
You should say:
Who this person is
When this person moved to a new place/your community
What this person did
And explain how you feel about this person

- Part 3
Should young people live on their own?
What kinds of people tend to live alone?
Besides cooking, are there any other skills that people need to learn if they live on their own?
Is it good for young people to live by themselves?

- Part 2
Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information.
You should say:
why you need this information
how you got it
how you found it was incorrect
and how you felt about this experience.

- Part 3
What kinds of professions are related to giving information to others?
What is the difference between providing information by phone and by email?
How can people check whether a piece of information is correct or not?
Do people trust the information online?
How do you verify the accuracy of information that you come across online?
Do you think that people are more likely to believe true or false information these days?
What information can people get from television?
What are some of the consequences of misinformation in society?
Are there any news sources that people trust more than others?
Do you think that schools should teach critical thinking skills to help students better evaluate information?

- Part 2
Describe a speech you gave
You should say:
Who you gave the speech to
What the speech was about
Why you gave the speech
And explain how you felt about the speech

- Part 3
Which one is better, being a good speaker or a listener?
What qualities does a person need to have to be a good speaker?
What benefits does the Internet have for communication?
Does technology have a negative impact on communication among people?

- Part 2
Describe a piece of clothing you often wear.
You should say:
what it is
how often you wear it
what it is like
and explain why you enjoy wearing it.

- Part 3
Do you think that fashion trends are important? Why or why not?
Do you think you can tell about someone’s personality based on their fashion choices?
When do people wear formal clothes?
Should people wear formal clothes at work?
Do you think that people dressed more formally nowadays compared to the past?
When do people in your country wear traditional clothes?
Why do some people like traditional clothes?
What is the difference between the clothes of the elderly and the young people in your country?

- Part 2
Describe an adventure you would like to go on
You can say:
where you would go
who you would like to go with
when you want to do this
and explain why you want to go on this adventure.

- Part 3
Who likes to read adventure books?
Do you think children are more interested in adventure stories?
Do people prefer adventure novels or films?
What kinds of people dislike adventures?
Why are some children addicted to adventure games?
Why do some people prefer to read adventure books rather than take an adventure?
Do you think adventures are important in life?
What do you think are the benefits of going on an adventure?
Is it better to go on an adventure alone or with a group? Why?
Are there any risks associated with going on an adventure?
Do you think that people should take more risks in their lives and go on adventurous trips?
What advice would you give to a person who is planning an adventure for the first time?
Does experiencing adventures broaden people's horizons?

- Part 2
Describe a happy memory in your childhood.
You should say:
What it was about
Who you were with
What you did
And explain how you felt about it.

- Part 3
Why do some people have better memories than others?
When is it important to remember information well?
What kinds of things do people prefer to remember?
What kinds of things do people have to remember?
What kinds of things do people usually forget?
What kinds of people are forgetful?
What are some techniques people can use to help remember important information?
Do you think people can trust their memories?
How do you think technology has affected our ability to remember things?
What childhood memories do people usually have?
Can technology help people remember past events?

- Part 2
Describe an invention that is useful in your daily life.
You should say:
what the invention was
what it can do
how popular it is
and explain whether it is difficult or easy to use.

- Part 3
What qualities do inventors have?
What about scientists?
Do all inventions bring benefits to our world?
Do you think people who haven't been educated in school can invent things?
Do you believe only scientists can invent new things?
What inventions do you think should be improved?
What have been some of the most important inventions in the past 100 years?
What inventions will we have in 20 years?
What invention would you like to see in the future?
What invention do you wish had never been invented and why?
What invention do you think has had the greatest impact on people’s lives in your country?
Do you think technology has improved our quality of life?
How do you think technology and inventions will change the way we live in the future?

- Part 2
Describe an occasion when you got lost and needed help
You can say:
when and where it was
what happened
how you felt
and say how you found your way

- Part 3
There are some people who never get lost. Why?
Why do some people have a good sense of direction?
Do you think it’s easy or difficult to find your way in a new city? Why?
Why do some people dislike asking others for directions?
How do you think technology has changed the way we navigate and find directions?
Should children be taught to read paper maps at school?
Are paper maps still necessary?

- Part 2
Describe a place you would like to visit in the future
You should say:
where it is
what it’s like
how you would travel there
and say why you want to visit that place
Describe a place away from home that you want to visit in the future.
You should say:
Where you would like to go
When you would like to go
Who you want to go with
And explain why you want to visit the place

- Part 3
Do most people like planned travelling?
What factors affect how people feel about travel?
What should be done before a trip?
What preparations should be made before going on holiday?
Do younger and older people choose different places to go to on holiday?
What problems can people have on holiday?
Why do some people dislike travelling abroad?
What are the benefits and drawbacks of travelling alone and with friends?
What kinds of places are popular to visit in your country?
Do you think it’s important to learn about the culture of the places you visit?
How do you think technology has changed the way people travel?
Why do you think so many younger people travel these days?

- Part 2
Describe a sport you like to watch
You can say:
what the sport is
when and where it is held
who you watch it with
and say why you enjoy watching it

- Part 3
What are the benefits of playing sports regularly?
What are the benefits of sports for children?
Do children need to exercise?
Some people prefer to exercise alone, while others prefer to exercise with a group. Which one do you think is better, and why?
What do you think are the most popular sports in your country, and why?
How important do you think it is for children to participate in sports?
Many people have busy schedules and find it difficult to make time for exercise. What advice would you give them to help them stay fit?
What do you think are the potential risks associated with playing sports, and how can they be avoided?

- Part 2
Describe a job you are interested in.
You should say:
what it is
when you heard about this job for the first time
what qualities it requires
and explain why you are interested in this job.

- Part 3
What kinds of jobs are popular in your country?
Do people in your country do the same job throughout their whole life?
What kinds of people do low-salary jobs?
Is it important doe secondary schools to offer career advice to students?
Should universities arrange classes for students to teach them how to find jobs?
If they do, what skills should students learn in such classes?
When do you think is the right time for young people to start making plans for their future careers?
What professions are popular with young people in your country now?
What kind of job do you think will be popular in the future?
What kinds of jobs are well-paid in your country?
What do you think are the benefits of having a steady job?
Do you think it’s better to work for a big company or a small company? Why?
What do you think are the most important skills for getting a good job?
Do you think it’s important to have a job that you love or a job that pays well? Why?
Do you think it’s better to work in the private sector or the public sector? Why?

- Part 2
Describe a crowded place you went to
You can say:
where the place was
when you went there
how many people were there
and say how you felt about the experience

- Part 3
What do you think of people who stand in a queue for more than an hour?
Are most people comfortable being in crowded places?
What are some crowded places in your city?
Do you think crowded places are becoming more common in modern society?
What are some potential dangers of being in crowded places?
What measures do you think can be taken to make crowded places safer?
Do you think cities should limit the number of people who can visit popular tourist attractions or shopping areas to avoid overcrowding?

- Part 2
Describe an expensive gift you would like to buy
You can say:
what the gift is
who you would buy it for
where you would buy it
and say why you would like to buy it

- Part 3
What is the role of money in people’s lives?
Do you think it is more important to save or to spend money? Why?
Why is it hard for some people to save money?
What is the best way to save money?
Do you think money can buy happiness?
How do people waste their money?
How do people’s attitudes towards money have changed over the years?
Should children have pocket money?

- Part 2
Describe an important decision you made
You can say:
what the decision was
where you were
how you made the decision
and say why it was difficult to make

- Part 3
How do people usually make important decisions?
What important decisions do young people have to make after school?
Do you think it’s important to listen to other people’s opinions before making a decision?
Do you think it’s better to make decisions based on logic or emotions? Why?
What factors should people consider when making a big purchase, such as buying a car or a flat?
Why do some people regret their decisions?
What are some of the most important things to consider when making a decision that will affect other people?
Do ads influence our decisions while shopping?
Is the influence of advertising good or bad?
How does advertising influence children?

- Part 2
Describe an ideal house or apartment
You can say:
what kind of accommodation it is
where it is
what it would look like
and say why it would be ideal

What difficulties do people have living in the city?
What are the most important features of an ideal house for most people?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city center rather than living in the suburbs?
How will technology change the way we find and rent/buy accommodation in the future?
What are some of the benefits and drawbacks of living in a shared apartment?
How does the housing market affect young people who are looking for accommodation?
Do you think it’s important to decorate your living space?

- Part 2
Describe a helpful person
You can say:
who the person is
how you know them
what they do to help people
and say when they help you

- Part 3
What can children do to help their parents?
What are the benefits of children helping their parents?
Should children be taught to help others?
How can high school students help each other?
Should students do community work?
Should people take part in volunteering more often these days?
Why are some people willing to help others?
What motivates people to volunteer and help others in their community?
What are the benefits of volunteering for both the individual and the community?
Why do people volunteer?
How can volunteering and helping others be integrated into schools and workplaces?
In what ways can volunteering and helping others be encouraged in society?
Is it the responsibility of individuals or governments to provide support to those in need?
What skills can be gained from volunteering and helping others?
How can they be useful in personal and professional development?
Is it important to teach children to donate money to those in need?

- Part 2
Describe a book you want to read for a second time.
You should say:
what the book is about
how you knew this book
and explain why you read it more than once.
Describe a book you have read many times
You can say:
what the book is and what it is about
who it was written by
how often you read it
and say why you enjoy reading it

- Part 3
What kinds of books do children like to read?
What can children learn from books?
What’s the difference between e-books or paper books?
Do people prefer e-books or paper books in your country?
Do you think parents should read stories to their children?
What can children learn from books?
How can reading help children?
Do you think it’s important for children to read books?
Do you think reading books is better than watching films?
What benefits do you think reading has for people?
Do you think reading books can help people learn more about different cultures?
Should people read books that are difficult or challenging to understand?

- Part 2
Describe a popular person.
You should say:
who he/she is
why he/she is popular
and explain how you feel about him/her.

- Part 3
Why do some students want to become popular?
What kinds of people are more popular at school?
What kinds of people are more popular at work?
Are smart people popular at work?
Do you think a good teacher should become popular?
What factors do you think contribute to a person’s popularity?
Is it possible to become popular overnight?
How has social media influenced the concept of fame in recent years?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of being popular in school?

- Part 2
Describe a long car journey you went on.
You should say:
where you went
what you did there
who you went there with
and explain why you went on that journey by car.

- Part 3
Which jobs require people to be good at driving?
What qualities should a driver have?
What benefits does public transport bring to society?
Are there any drawbacks of public transport?
Do you think the government should make it a rule for people to use public transport more?
Do you think that the government should invest more in public transport?
Is it too late for people to get driving licenses at 18 years old?
What is the most common mode of transport in your city?
How do traffic jams affect people?
What do you think are the benefits and drawbacks of driving a car instead of using public transport?
Will people be driving electric cars in the future?
Are there any traffic laws in your country that you think should be changed or improved?

- Part 2
Describe a new shop that recently opened in your city/town.
You should say:
where the shop is
what it sells
what kinds of people usually go to this shop
and explain how successful you think it will be in the future.

- Part 3
Is location the key factor that attracts customers?
What kinds of shops are popular in your country?
Why do young people enjoy going to boutiques?
Why do people like shopping more now than in the past?
Do you think shopping is good for a country's economy?
Are shopping centers and malls still popular these days?
What is your opinion about online shopping? Do you think it is better than going to the offline store?
Can shopping be addictive?
How have shopping habits changed in recent years?
Do you think shopping can be a waste of time and money?

- Part 2
Describe a game you enjoyed playing when you were younger
You can say:
what it was
where and when you played it
how you played it
and say why you enjoyed playing it

- Part 3
Why do people like to play different games?
Is winning the most important goal in playing games?
Is it good for children to want to win?
Is it important to develop a sense of competition in children?
Are games important for children’s development?
What games do children play these days?
Which are better: indoor or outdoor games?
How can children benefit from playing team games?
Which are better: team games or individual ones?
What is the most popular game in your country?
Do you think games can help people relax and relieve stress?
Why can video games be addictive?
Is playing games a waste of time?

- Part 2
Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way
who the person is
what the problem was
how the person solved the problem
and explain why you think the person did it smartly

- Part 3
Do you think children are born smart or learn to be smart?
How can we help children realize their talents?
What is the difference between a parent's and a teacher's role in a child's education?
Does the government provide enough support for education?

- Part 2
Describe a film you didn’t like/were disappointed about.
You should say:
What the film was
Why you didn’t like it
Why you decided to watch it
And explain how you felt about it.

- Part 3
Why do some people read movie reviews?
Do most people believe movie reviews?
What are types of films are popular in your country?
Are historical films popular in your country? Why?
Do you think films with famous actors or actresses would be more popular than films with actors who are not famous?


- Part 2
Describe an advertisement you don't like.
You should say:
where and when you first saw it
what type of advertisement it is
what product or service it advertises
and explain why you don’t like it.

- Part 3
What are the most advertised products in your country?
Which one is more effective: newspaper advertising or online advertising?
What role do social media play in advertising?
What do you think of celebrity endorsement in advertising?
Does advertising encourage us to buy things we don’t need?
How do ads make people buy new products?
What are the advantages of advertising?
How does marketing make people choose particular goods and brands?

- Part 2
Describe a historical period you would like to know more
You should say:
when it was
what you are interested in
what you have known
and why you would like to know more.

- Part 3
Should everyone know history?
In what ways can people learn history?
How can children learn history?
Is it hard to protect historical buildings?
How can technology make learning history more interesting?
Are history museums useful?
How do museums teach people history?
Will museums be replaced by technology?
Should museums be free?
Should people remember their family’s history?

- Part 2
Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted.
You should say:
where the place is
when you visited there
why the air was polluted
and explain how you felt about the place

- Part 3
How can air quality be improved?
Do you think the city is cleaner or dirtier than the countryside? Why?
Is there more pollution now than in the past?
Do you think the wind has any effect on air pollution? How?
What can factories/plants do to reduce pollution?
What can people do together to improve the local environment?
Do modern means of transport cause harm to the environment?
Who should be responsible for protecting the environment?

- Part 2
Describe your first day at school
You should say:
Where the school was
How you went there
What happened that day
And say how you felt on that day

- Part 3
Is socialization important for children?
Is it better to work in a big or a small company?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of changing jobs?
Why do many young adults keep changing jobs?
Why might some children change schools?
Do you think it’s essential that people go to university?
Some people say that school was more difficult in the past, do you agree?

- Part 2
Describe a noisy place you’ve been to.
You should say:
where it was
why you went there
why it was noisy
and explain how you felt about being there.

- Part 3
Are cities becoming noisier?
Do you think the world will be noisier in the future?
Where can people hear lots of noise?
Where is it noisier/louder noise: in cities or in the country?
Do you think there is more noise today in the city than in the past?
What can be done to reduce the noise from the traffic?
How can people consider other people’s feeling when they chat in public?
What kind of noises do people hear in their daily life?
How do people usually respond to noises?
What are some common sources of noise?
What are the effects of loud noise?
What are some noisy places?

- Part 2
Describe something you did with a group of people
You should say:
what the activity was
who was involved
where it happened
and say if you enjoyed the experience

- Part 3
How do children build relationship with each other in a community?
Do you think it’s important to have a good relationship with neighbours?
What are some ways you can get to know your neighbours better?
Are people’s relationships  with their neighbours now the same as in the past?
How do neighbours help each other?
Do you think neighbours’  relations are closer in the countryside than in the city?
Is it easier for people to get to know each other if they live in the countryside?
What makes a neighbourhood a good one to live in?  

- Part 2
Describe an unusual meal you had
You should say:
When you had it
Where you had it
Who you had it with
And explain why it was unusual

- Part 3
What are the differences between a café and a restaurant?
Which is more popular among people when they meet: a café and a restaurant?
What kind of people like to go to cafes?
What things can improve the environment of a café and a restaurant?
Is it expensive to eat out in your country?
Why do many people like to study in a café?

- Part 2
Describe a website that you often use
You should say:
what the website it is
how you first find out about the site
what kind of information is there
and say why you like it

- Part 3
What are some of the most popular websites in your country?
Do people spend more time online now compared to a few years ago?
Do you think that people spend too much time online?
How can we trust information that we find online?
Why do some people prefer to read the news online instead of on TV?
What are the most popular/the least popular apps in your country?
How can parents make sure that their children stay safe when they use the Internet?

- Part 2
Describe a piece of technology that you find difficult to use
You should say:
what it is
why you bought the item
how often you use it
and say why you find it difficult to use

- Part 3
Why do big companies often introduce new products?
Do you think that technology companies release new products more often than they need to?
What are some of the most popular types of modern technology in your country?
Why do people buy the latest phones even if these phones don’t change much and are similar to their previous versions?
How can schools use technology to improve their lessons?
When do you think that children should start to use technology?
Why do some parents stop their children from using technology until they are older?

- Part 2
Describe another city you would like to stay in for a short time
You should say:
where the city is
who you will go there with
what you will do there
and explain why you will stay there for a short time.

- Part 3
Why are historical cities popular?
Why do people go to other cities?
Can tourists face bad things in other cities? Which ones?
Why is noise pollution worse in touristic cities than in other cities?
Do most people like planned travelling? Why?

- Part 2
Describe a time when you taught a friend or relative something.
You should say:
who you taught
what you taught
what the result was
and explain how you felt about the experience.

- Part 3
What practical skills can young people teach old people?
Do you think “showing” is better than “telling” in education?
Do people in your country like to watch videos to learn something?
How can we know what to do when we want to learn something new?
How can we teach the older generation to use technology?
Where can we learn practical skills?
What’s the difference between the ways of how children and adults learn things?

- Part 2
Describe a time when you were late or missed an appointment
You should  say:
when it was
what you missed / were late for
why you were late
and say what happened as a consequence

- Part 3
Why are people late for meetings or appointments?
Why do some people find it hard to be punctual?    
Is it important to be on time?
What can people do to be on time?
Do you think people are more punctual now compared to the past?

- Part 2
Describe a new development (building / facility) in your city
You should say:
what it is
when it was built
how long it took to complete
and say what you think of this new development

- Part 3
Are there many leisure facilities in your area?  
Do people in your country still go to the cinema?
Where do people watch films?
What new facilities would you like to have in your area?  
Do you think there is more construction in your city compared to the past?
What needs to be improved in public transportation?
What kinds of facilities make a city a better place to live in?

- Part 2
Describe an interesting older person
You should say:
who this person is
how you know this person
what you do or did together
and say why you think this person is interesting

- Part 3
What are the benefits of being interested in/being friends with older people?
What kinds of things can young people learn from older people?
How can older people influence younger people to make good decisions?
Do you think that cities are good places for elderly people?
In your country, do older people usually live with their families?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of living with an older member of your family?
What problems in society can being self-centred cause?

- Part 2
Describe something you did that made you feel proud
You should say:
What it was
How you did it
How difficult it was
And explain why you felt proud of it

- Part 3
Do people usually set different goals at different stages of their life?
What are the differences between the goals/ambitions that young and older people have?
How can people get better at achieving their goals?
When do people feel proud of themselves?
What sorts of goals could be considered unrealistic?
Is it important to have goals in life?
What rewards can companies offer to their successful employees?
What rewards are important at work?

- Part 2
Describe an activity you enjoyed in your free time when you were young
You should say:
what it was
where you did it
who you did it with
and explain why you enjoyed it.

- Part 3
Is it important to have a break during work or study?
Do people have enough time for leisure activities today?
Are there more activities for young people now than 20 years ago?
What sports do young people like to do now?
What leisure activities do old and young people prefer?
How do people spend their leisure time in your country?
Do adults and children have enough time for leisure activities nowadays?
What’s the difference in the ways young people spent their free time today and 20-30 years ago?
Why do people say there aren’t enough hours in a day?
Is not having enough time a feature of our modern world?

- Part 2
Describe a person you would like to work or study with
You should say:
who it is
how long you have known each other
what you want to work on/study
and say why you would like to work or study together

- Part 3
What do you think makes someone a good colleague?
What matters most about a colleague’s personality?
Is having good colleagues the most important thing about a job?
Are good colleagues important at work?
How can workers build good relationships with their colleagues?  
Does it matter if a child likes/doesn’t like their classmates?
How can teachers help their students get along?
In your country, do people often build close relationships with their colleagues?

- Part 2
Describe a gift that you received
You should say:
when you received the gift
who gave it to you
what the gift was
and say how you felt about receiving the gift

- Part 3
What sorts of rewards / gifts are suitable for children?
What are children usually rewarded for at school?
In your country, do children receive many rewards at school?
What rewards can they get?
Do rewards motivate people?
Are there any rewards you can offer people that are not objects? (e.g. gifts, presents, jewelry, clothes etc.)
What kinds of rewards can companies offer their employees to motivate them?

- Part 2
Describe a complaint that you made and were satisfied with the result.
You should say:
when it happened
who you complained to
what you complained about
and why you were satisfied with the result.

- Part 3
What products or services do people in your country like to complain about?
Would you buy things in the shops where you have complained before?
Is it necessary for companies to set up customer service?
Will customers’ complaints improve products or services?
Are there any disadvantages to setting up customer service?

- Part 2
Describe a skill or something you’d like to learn one day
You should say:
what it is
why you want to learn about it
how you would learn about it
and say whether it would be easy or hard

- Part 3
Is it easier to learn how to learn new things compared to the past?
Why do some people struggle to learn new things when they are adults?
Is it important to keep learning things after you finish your education?
What kinds of subjects are important to learn about for the future?
Is school always the best place to learn something new?

- Part 2
Describe a character from a movie / film that you like
You should say:
who it is
when you first saw the film
what their character is like
and say why you like this character

- Part 3
Are there many people in your country who want to be actors?
What are the differences between acting in a theatre and in films?
Is it interesting to be an actor?
Are there many people in your country who want to be actors?
Some people say that actors are paid too much money, would you agree?
Is acting a respected profession in your country?
Are there any drawbacks to being a famous actor?
What kinds of people become talented actors?

- Part 2
Describe a daily routine you enjoy
You should say:
What it is
Where and when you do it
Who do you do it with
Explain why you enjoy it.

- Part 3
How important is it to have a daily routine?
What are the benefits and drawbacks of having a routine?
Is having a daily routine boring?
Should children have learning routines?
What are the benefits of children having a routine at school?
Does having a routine give people more time to think?
Do you think that people who have a fixed routine are not creative?
Why don't some people like routine?

- Part 2
Describe some good news you heard from others
You should say:
What it was
When you heard it
How you knew it
And explain how you felt about it

- Part 3
How do people share good news?
What kind of good news do people like to hear?
Do people like to hear good news from their friends?
How to handle bad news?
Why do people share news on social media?
How does social media help people access information?
Should the media publish only good news?
Is it good to share something on social media?
How do you think people will get their news in the future?

- Part 2
Describe your favorite place in your home where you can relax.
You should say:
where it is
what it is like
what you enjoy doing there
and explain why you feel relaxed at this place.

- Part 3
Where do people spend most of their time in their home?
Where are good places for relaxation? What are the differences among these places?
Why do some people prefer to relax in public places, like parks or cafes?
Do you think it is the responsibility of people or the government to ensure places for people to relax?
Do you think there should be classes for training young people and children how to relax?
Which is more important, mental relaxation or physical relaxation?
Why is it important for people to take some time to relax in the day?
What are some ways that busy people can relax?
What can happen if people do not find time to relax?
Why is it difficult for some people to relax?
Some people feel that keeping calm and staying relaxed is a skill that can be learned and improved. Do you agree with this?
Do you think that relaxing is easier than it was in the past?

- Part 2
Describe a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking to
You should say:
What party it was
Who this person is
What you talked about
And explain why you enjoyed talking with him/her

- Part 3
In what situations would people be willing to get to know new people?
Why are some people unwilling to have conversations with others?
Is it difficult for adults to talk to children?
What’s the difference between chatting with friends and new people?
How and where do people in your country make friends these days?
What are some popular places to meet new people in your area?
Do you think it’s harder for adults to make friends than children?
What are the benefits and drawbacks of meeting people on social media?
Do you think that technology has made it easier or harder to meet new people?
Why do some people find it hard to maintain friendships for a long time?

Как научиться писать любое эссе и график в IELTS

Полный курс по IELTS Writing Academic
14 уроков / 7+ часов
  • Как писать ВСЕ типы эссе
  • Как описывать ВСЕ типы графиков
  • Как структурировать текст по абзацам
  • Что писать в каждом параграфе
  • Какую грамматику использовать
  • Какие слова использовать
  • Как эффективно связывать свои идеи
  • Что нужно делать, чтобы получить высокий балл

Дополнительно: Гайд по подготовке к IELTS Writing Task
Writing Task 1 (Графики) - 87 стр., PDF
Writing Task 2 (Эссе) - 98 стр., PDF

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