IELTS Speaking Part 3 Topics and Questions in 2020 | Новые темы и вопросы в 2020 году

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Topics and Questions in 2020 | Новые темы и вопросы в 2020 году

Новые темы и вопросы IELTS Speaking Part 3 в 2020 году

When should parents allow their children to have a phone?
Are there are places in your country where phones are not allowed?
How can phones be disruptive sometimes?
Do people in your country often switch off their phones?
Are people often impolite with their phone use?

Phones in Public
Why do people talk on their phones on public transport?
Is it common in your country?
Is silence valued in your city?
Why do some people have trouble staying silent?
Is there too much noise from technology today?

Why do people throw rubbish the streets?
How can people be encouraged to not litter?
What are the results of littering?
What steps has your government taken to make people pick up after themselves?
Do the efforts of a single person have an impact on the world as a whole?

Individuals and the Environment
What are the main environmental problems we face today?
What can individuals do to protect the environment?
How much do politicians in your country care about the environment?
Should nations work together to protect the environment?
What are the roadblocks to this?

How do young people usually find friends in your country?
What makes a good friend?
How long does it take to develop a close friendship?
How important is listening to friendship?
Is it more important to find new friends or stay in touch with old friends?

What can we learn from making new friends?
How important is it to have a social life?
Why is having good friends important?
What role do friends play in your life as you get older?
Do most people share both good and bad experiences with their friends?

Happy Occasions
How do people in your country celebrate happy occasions?
Why do occasions usually make people happy?
How important is the money spent on the occasion for making people happy?
Is is a good idea to spend a lot of money on a birthday party?
Is happiness today the same as it was in the past?

School Subjects
What courses or subjects do you think will be added into high schools?
What courses or subjects will be helpful in future work?
Is it more effective to read online than in a book?
What do students do after school in your country?
Do you think students should choose subjects they like?

Can learning a language help you understand more about a culture?
Why is it so difficult to learn a new language?
How will language learning change in the future?
Should governments invest more in second language learning in schools?
What are the benefits of learning another language for your country?

Study Focus
Why do some people study badly?
Is it a good idea to have a firm plan when studying?
Why are many girls better at concentrating?
Is it better to study online or in a classroom?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying in a group?

Making Plans
How do people usually make plans?
Should you get advice when making plans?
Who is the best advisor for big plans?
What plans do governments have to make?
How important is the public in helping governments to make plans?

How can children be motivated to achieve their goals?
Who is more responsible – parents or teachers?
Is it always necessary to set goals to motivate children?
What motivates adults?
Why are some people seemingly much more motivated than others?

Do people in your country usually have gardens in their homes?
Which age group visits gardens the most?
Is it good for people to take care of a garden?
Why do people grow their own plants at home sometimes?
Is it common for people in your country to grow fruits and vegetables at home?

Outdoor Sports
What are the benefits of doing an outdoor sport?
Why do some people enjoy doing dangerous sports?
Why were dangerous sports created at all?
Is it better to do outdoor sports in groups?
Do both old and young people enjoy outdoor sport?

Public Transportation
Do old or young people use public transportation more?
What are the drawbacks of private vehicles?
How could public transportation be improved?
Should city planners consider public transport when designing cities?
What can the government do to improve public transport outside of urban areas?

How helpful is competition for children?
Is it good to have a competitive attitude?
How are the attitudes of professionals and amateurs different?
How are children awarded competition prizes in your country?
What are the adverse effects of competition on children?

Who is most responsible for enforcing the law?
Which international laws are you familiar with?
Why do you think law is important?
Should laws be more universal?
What is the relationship between law and justice?

How can people improve their physical health?
What about their mental health?
In what ways can teachers encourage students to do sports?
What is the role of doctors in raising health awareness?
Can social media also play a role?

Old People
What are the advantages of having an elderly person at home?
Is there anything that older people should learn from the younger generation?
What can the younger generation learn from the older generation?
What qualities does a person need to take care of older people?
Do you think elderly people should be allowed to work?

Talkative Chidren
Do think being talkative is a good quality for children?
Is it good for children to talk a lot in every situation?
Why do children talk so much?
What makes children talk less as the get older sometimes?
What can teachers do to encourage children to talk more?

Do people with high IQs tend to be selfish?
Can computers improve your intelligence?
What is the difference between intelligence and knowledge?
How much can intelligence change during a lifetime and how much of it is fixed?
Has technology made people less intelligent?

When a person is successful, are they also happy?
What is success?
Do relationships affect success?
Which is more important for success: opportunity or hard work?
What defines success for people in your country?

Is it important for children in school to get along with their classmates?
What are the advantages of getting along well with others in school?
Should children be allowed to sit where they want in class?
How has technology changed the way that students interact with each other?
How important is it for children to learn about sharing?

Urban Planning
How important is urban planning for a city?
What are the possible drawbacks of not having a good plan?
How do cities in your country differ?
What effect do businesses have on urban planning?
How can people make their voices heard when it comes to urban planning?

How did people find out information in the past?
How has that changed now?
Do people today rely too much on online information?
Can a personal diary be a reliable source of information?
How do historians verify the information they come across?

Is the behaviour of teenagers today better than when you were a teenager?
When should teenagers start to take on more responsibilities?
What kinds of responsibilities?
How have attitudes towards teenagers changed in recent years?
What can parents do if teenagers are unwilling to take on more responsibility?

What is the importance of laughing?
What is the difference between the laughing of children and adults?
Why do children laugh more easily than adults?
How does it impact students if their teacher is funny?
Is it possible to enjoy comedy from foreign countries?

What sort of important decisions do teenagers face today?
What are the difficult decisions that national leaders face?
How can they make these decisions?
Who should be considered when taking an important decision?
Is it better to take your time or make a quick decision?

Time Management
How can people manage their time better now compared to the past?
What are the differences in what people do with their time now?
How has technology helped people to save time?
What are the qualities of a person with good time management?
Will people have more free time in the future?

Which sports are popular in your country?
How can amateurs be attracted to participate in sports?
What are the benefits of doing sport?
How does loyalty help a sport become popular?
What makes a sport popular?

Where do most people in your country go for holidays?
Why do some people prefer to spend their holidays at home?
Do you think young people benefit from having a gap-year before university?
How does tourism for holidays affect your country?
What benefits does it have?

Do people in your country read a lot?
Will reading still be a popular hobby in the future?
Do children read a lot these days?
Is developing a love of reading the responsibility of parents?
How can governments encourage people to read more?

What is beauty for you?
Do you think the media influences our idea of beauty?
Do you think advertisements portrayal of beauty is correct?
How has people’s idea of beauty changed over the last few decades?
Do you think beauty only relates to a person’s appearance?

Why are designer bran clothes popular?
Why are these brands so expensive?
How has fashion changed in your country?
Is it important for designers to stay up to date with the latest fashions?
Is fashion more important than adapting your clothes to the weather?

Why do things break?
Is it worth repairing something instead of buying a new one?
Should we teach kids to repair things?
Does the government have a responsibilty to fix certain things?
How well do people in your country take care of public facilities?
International Events/Parties
What sort of internation events does your country host?
Do you think these types of events divide people?
Why are these events celebrated?
What activities are common for these celebrations?
Are there many events that are celebrated across national borders?

Social Websites
Do you often use social websites?
Why do you use social websites?
Do people spend too much time on social websites?
Would you like to spend more time on these websites?

Bad Service
Why do some people not complain about bad service?
What should people do if they receive bad service?
How can companies deal with bad service?
Can bad service ever be a positive experience?
What organisations are famous for bad service in your country?

Public Facilities
Are there many public facilities in your country?
What are the benefits of parks?
Should parks be free of charge?
How can parks better serve the poor?
How important is it to have parks in urban areas?

Which types of parties are popular in your country?
Is it true that everybody likes parties?
Do you prefer receiving emails or birthday cards on your birthday?
How does alcohol affect the atmosphere of a party?
Is music important to a party?
Quiet Places
Why do old people prefer quiet places?
What are the main causes of noise in cities?
Why are suburbs quieter?
Why might some people not enjoy quiet places?
Will cities be nosier in the future?

How important is communication in the workplace?
How does that differ from communication at home?
What different types of communication are there?
How have mobile phones changed the way we communicate?
What is the future of communication?

Why is the countryside quieter than the city?
Why do many people prefer to live in the countryside?
Where are the quietest places in cities?
What will the countryside look like in your country in the future?
Are there any drawbacks to investing in public transport in the countryside?

Как научиться писать любое эссе и график в IELTS

Полный курс по IELTS Writing Academic
14 уроков / 7+ часов
  • Как писать ВСЕ типы эссе
  • Как описывать ВСЕ типы графиков
  • Как структурировать текст по абзацам
  • Что писать в каждом параграфе
  • Какую грамматику использовать
  • Какие слова использовать
  • Как эффективно связывать свои идеи
  • Что нужно делать, чтобы получить высокий балл

Дополнительно: Гайд по подготовке к IELTS Writing Task
Writing Task 1 (Графики) - 87 стр., PDF
Writing Task 2 (Эссе) - 98 стр., PDF

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